Syncing Music

Has never


An AI-powered platform that streamlines
the entire music licensing process.

Ready. Set. Sync.

Stay in Sync

From song discovery to song clearance,
Ktizo operates as your middleman and
uses its technology to provide all of your
music licensing needs.


Upload the mp3s and split sheets to your released
catalog, and start licensing songs on TV shows,
movies, and commercials.



Discover high-quality music from emerging artists
that meet your creative needs and budget.

Serving artists and music
supervisors equally on
one platform

Easy song licensing

With Ktizo, song licensing is finally how it should be: simple and intuitive.

Zero subscription costs

There are no monthly subscription costs to use Ktizo - we only collect a percentage of the sync fee when a song is licensed.

A better music industry

With Ktizo, song licensing is finally how it should be: simple and intuitive.

Ready to sync?