Monetize your songs
while you sleep

License your released music to high-caliber
projects that pay enough to cover the bills.
Get Synced

How it Works

Connect your Spotify account

When you sign up, you need to connect your Spotify artist profile to sync your released catalog on TV shows, Movies, and Commercials.

Pre-clear your music

Upload your mp3s and split sheet information to ensure no issues are getting paid for your syncs.

Get Synced and Get Paid

Once you finish clearing your music, your songs are ready to sync and get you paid without having to lift a finger.

How you benefit

Earn real income

Licensing music is extremely lucrative and one of the best ways to earn yourself a sustainable income.

Increased your brand awareness

Licensing a song to a Netflix movie or an upcoming HBO Max TV show can exponentially increase your exposure and fanbase.

More time for music

More money, means less time working a side gig, and more time recording new music.

Your music deserves more